Providing The RoadMap To Disruptiv Innovation

Achieving true disruptive innovation is not a one-person job, it takes teams with diverse backgrounds, unique perspectives and domain expertise to make creative visions a reality.

Innovation requires completely rethinking the way we perceive your current and future customers as well as acquire a deep understanding of current and future competition.

Our holistic “Deep-Dive” approach provides unique data-driven insights of competitive offerings as well as targeted customer demographics, personas, habits, mindsets and trends.

We create world-class digital products,

web design, and branding.

Digital Strategy

We start each new digital product design partnership with an in‑depth discovery phase to immerse ourselves in your business. Our UX designers interview stakeholders, conduct user research, analyze your competition, and consolidate content. The result is an action plan on executing a holistic brand and user experience.

Our Lean Research & Discovery Process

Our Proven Approach To Get Results

We use an iterative design process that turns concepts into meaningful business outcomes. Throughout the project, we’ll work with your stakeholders to ensure the final result meets your business goals.


Collaboration is prioritized from the beginning. We’ll build a strategy based on user needs and opportunities. This step involves a business case envisioning session, environment assessment and architectural design session.


A high-level definition of the addressable business and project statement of work is delivered during this stage. We also provide:

  • Environment and artifact review
  • Transformation opportunity roadmap
  • Project approach vision
  • Phased design and development plan

Envision and plan

With the statement of work established, we find your organization’s best technological fit by defining strategic goals, discovering user requirements and conceptualizing the architecture. A competitive analysis is also done to capture industry trends.


Now, we’re ready to develop an execution plan that includes:

  • Product brief with technical specifications
  • Project timelines, resource plan and cost estimates
  • Prioritized backlog
  • Success and exception metrics

Detailed design

Foundational elements and structure are formed with detailed documentation of the front-end user experience. The design will encompass user experience, visual design and technical exercises to identify the delivery team’s requirements.


We begin to build user stories and acceptance criteria, delivering:

  • Defined acceptance criteria
  • Annotated wireframes
  • High-fidelity visual design explorations
  • Component library and style guides

Develop and Refine

Your custom technology is refined until it’s in a fully operational state. Before code is released as the beta version and consumer-ready product, we seek stakeholder approval to ensure organizational objectives are met.


Rigorous acceptance and quality assurance testing is performed throughout the project’s development. You’ll also get:

  • Technical support team documentation
  • Sprint reviews and demos
  • Analysis and recommendations based on usability testing
  • Security penetration tests


Throughout the process, our project team encourages stakeholder buy-in through frequent interactions. These inspections help us solve challenges early to ensure positive outcomes occur quickly and smoothly.


Our iterative model involves:

  • Project planning to align priorities, estimate workloads and pull in backlog items.
  • Touch bases that inform the team what’s been accomplished, what’s planned and roadblocks that need to be addressed.
  • Periodic reviews that showcase completed features to get immediate stakeholder feedback.
  • Checkpoints to discuss what’s working or not and build creative improvement solutions.


A long-term partnership between your organization and Insight begins after deployment. We follow a management roadmap that ensures sustainable innovation, supports digital transformation and provides first-line support.


Partnering with us after go-live, you’ll get:

  • A smooth transition to managed services
  • Continuous design and technical planning
  • Maintained feature request and bug triage backlog
  • Tiered support based on program requirements


Disruptive By Design – Customer-Centric Innovations

One of the most consistent patterns in business is the failure of leading companies to stay at the top of their industries when technologies or markets change.

Disruptive innovation requires a major shift in perspective, a moment when our everyday point of view is turned upside down, and the team finds a completely new ways of approaching challenges.

We start each client engagement with an in-depth discovery and ideation phase to immerse ourselves in your business objectives as well as identify opportunities for disruptive innovation.


Creating Immersive & Engaging Digital Experiences

Customer experience (CX) can be defined as the quality of all of a consumer’s encounters with a company’s products, services, and brand. While a strong customer experience produces significant results—more customers, more sales, and more loyalty—many companies still struggle to identify a plan of action to achieve these results.

Leaders can reach these goals if they focus on something more specific: the Digital Customer Experience (DCX).


Combining Strategic & Narrative Design Methodologies

Design Thinking is more than making something look beautiful. It also has to be intuitive and functional. If a website or app is beautiful but difficult to use, chances are users will never return.

Digital design has to serve the user and human-centered design has to solve the problems we face today and tomorrow.

That’s why User Experience (UX) design is at the heart of the future for Digital Customer Experience.


Pixel Perfect: The Perfection Of Interaction Design

Today, the bar for web and mobile app design has been raised. Both the UI and UX design need to work seamlessly together to provide an intuitive and personalized digital experience.

With, the exponential growth of mobile, web and IoT applications, UI design now plays a more pivotal role than ever in enhancing the overall User Experience (UX). 


Intelligent, Autonomous & Data-Driven Applications

The next-generation of Smart Apps are powered by technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), IoT and Blockchain – delivered by a scalable cloud service architecture.

These Smart Apps are disrupting industries and decisively shaping unique and immersive digital user experiences.

Digital Innovation Delivered!

We design, build and deliver technology-based innovations that create significant competitive advantage and revenue growth potential for our clients.

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