We deliver exceptional value to our clients

Sovereign is a proven custom software development company and testing provider. We are experts in delivering managed team extension, AgileSquads and consulting services.


We cover all aspects of the software engineering process, starting with your strategy.

So while we design, develop, and support your software products, you can focus on your core business.

Custom Services

Our custom software development services are tailored specifically to your needs, based on your requirements, budget, and timetable.

Hire the Best

We employ talented architects, developers, engineers, testers, and designers who are experts in emerging technologies and understand different corporate cultures.

Innovation Technologies

Strong partnerships with leading Silicon Valley companies provide Sovereign with expertise in advanced technologies. We offer a wide range of services, from web and mobile applications to systems support and testing to Big Data architecture designs and Internet of Things deployments.

Engagement Models

Because every client is unique, we have developed engagement models tailored for businesses from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

Managed Team Extension

Recommended For:

  • Team Extensions: Our talented technical team becomes an extension of your team, saving you time and resources on recruiting and onboarding
  • Ongoing Bug Fixes & Support: You can rely on the team 24/7 for availability and assistance
  • Long-Term Development: Our team becomes as vested in the success of your project as your own team


Recommended For:

  • Smart Delegation: No need to assign internal staff to build a project from scratch
  • Faster Results: With AgileSquads approach, short interactions guarantee that every step of your project is implemented on time
  • Transparency & Control: It is easy to hand over the requirements to a ready-to-go AgileSquad and check in with them periodically

Consulting Service

Recommended For:

  • Strategy development: Get the help you need to translate your business goals to technology plans before you build your team
  • Situational assessment: Receive a second opinion about challenges you are facing and recommendations to move forward
  • Prepare to partner: We can help you define a project in a way that raises your comfort working with a technology partner on your software development needs



Get a time and effort estimate and hand off your next software challenge to the team with a proven track record. You define your product concept. We deliver it.

Let us assemble an AgileSquad, managed by an experienced SquadLead, to develop products from scratch according to your time and budget.

This solution works best for:

Creating a Custom Software Product From Scratch

You need new products but have no one available to build them? Our developers look forward to helping you.

Avoiding Project-Management Risk

Wonder how to best build a new product? We will deliver your project within specific requirements, time, and budget.

Getting More For Less

Sovereign’s core engineering process brings value to you by applying innovation to speed up development and/or integration of your project.

Hand-Over Approach

Just hand over your requirements to our ready-to-go AgileSquad, then check in with them periodically for updates.

Looking for a dedicated pool of technical resources for your software development?

Software Consulting Service

Sovereign has expanded its offerings to provide technology consulting services, primarily through short-term, on-site engagements.

Our consultants have broad experience and expertise in numerous business domains and the latest technical areas such as DevOps, Cloud infrastructure and Cloud-native architectures.

This solution works best for:

When you need specialized expertize

You have a product idea and need to know how best to develop and bring it to market.

Temporary help during a one-time project

You want to jump-start a new technical initiative and accelerate the effort for shorter time-to-value.

If you want to gain external, objective advice and recommendations

Sovereign can provide informed and independent assessment of the situation and describe pros and cons of options available to proceed.

When you want a trusted partner for your technology needs

Partnering with Sovereign can provide you with a single, unified technology resource solution from leadership to development, operations, and support personnel.

Looking for a dedicated pool of technical resources for your software development?

Managed Team Extension

With the Team Extension Model, our developers become an integral part of your team during the entire project. We carefully select each team member based on the requirements and expertise you need. They immerse themselves in your project, maintaining your company culture and working in line with your strategic goals.

This solution works best for:

Developing New Modules or Applications

You get dedicated developers with strong technical skills who can help you accelerate development and/or integration of your product.

Saving Time and Resources


You find it tough to hire and secure excellent, cost-effective IT talent at your location or don’t want to spend time on onboarding.

Long-Term Cooperation

Our extension team works on your project only and under the same rules as your own team. You can rely on them 24/7 and expect long-term and fruitful cooperation.

Getting More for Less Budget

We build balanced agile teams who reach your goals in the fastest way with optimal resources. You are guaranteed a price, year to year, which protects you from running over the budget.

Ongoing Bug Fixes & Support

We recommend the best-suited technologies and provide continuous integration of new features in your product.

Quality Assurance Expertise

We lower your risk of releasing an immature software product, thus protecting you against additional costs.

Looking for a dedicated pool of technical resources for your software development?


Providing The RoadMap To Disruptiv Innovation

Achieving true disruptive innovation is not a one-person job, it takes teams with diverse backgrounds, unique perspectives and domain expertise to make creative visions a reality.

Innovation requires completely rethinking the way we perceive your current and future customers as well as acquire a deep understanding of current and future competition.

Our holistic approach provides unique data-driven insights of competitive offerings as well as targeted customer demographics, personas, habits, mindsets and trends.


Disruptive By Design – Customer-Centric Innovations

One of the most consistent patterns in business is the failure of leading companies to stay at the top of their industries when technologies or markets change.

Disruptive innovation requires a major shift in perspective, a moment when our everyday point of view is turned upside down, and the team finds a completely new ways of approaching challenges.

We start each client engagement with an in-depth discovery and ideation phase to immerse ourselves in your business objectives as well as identify opportunities for disruptive innovation.


Creating Immersive & Engaging Digital Experiences

Customer experience (CX) can be defined as the quality of all of a consumer’s encounters with a company’s products, services, and brand. While a strong customer experience produces significant results—more customers, more sales, and more loyalty—many companies still struggle to identify a plan of action to achieve these results.

Leaders can reach these goals if they focus on something more specific: the Digital Customer Experience (DCX).


Combining Strategic & Narrative Design Methodologies

Design Thinking is more than making something look beautiful. It also has to be intuitive and functional. If a website or app is beautiful but difficult to use, chances are users will never return.

Digital design has to serve the user and human-centered design has to solve the problems we face today and tomorrow.

That’s why User Experience (UX) design is at the heart of the future for Digital Customer Experience.


Pixel Perfect: The Perfection Of Interaction Design

Today, the bar for web and mobile app design has been raised. Both the UI and UX design need to work seamlessly together to provide an intuitive and personalized digital experience.

With, the exponential growth of mobile, web and IoT applications, UI design now plays a more pivotal role than ever in enhancing the overall User Experience (UX). 


Intelligent, Autonomous & Data-Driven Applications

The next-generation of Smart Apps are powered by technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), IoT and Blockchain – delivered by a scalable cloud service architecture.

These Smart Apps are disrupting industries and decisively shaping unique and immersive digital user experiences.

Digital Innovation Delivered!

We design, build and deliver technology-based innovations that create significant competitive advantage and revenue growth potential for our clients.

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